# Character Creation

# Name, Background & Traits

First, choose or roll your PC’s name and background from their respective tables. A PC’s background informs their potential knowledge and skills.

Next, choose or roll for the rest of your character's traits (appearance, speech, mannerisms, beliefs, reputation, etc.) on the Character Traits tables.

Finally, choose or roll for their age (2d20+10).

# Ability Scores

Player Characters (PCs) have just three attributes:
Strength (STR), Dexterity (DEX), and Willpower (WIL). When creating a PC, the player should roll 3d6 for each of their character's ability scores, in order. They may then swap any two of the results.

Expand For Example

Ines rolls for her character's STR, resulting in a 2, a 4, and a 6, totaling 12. The next two ability rolls result in a 9 for DEX and a 13 for WIL. She decides to swap the 12 and the 9, for a character with 9 STR, 12 DEX and 13 WIL.

# Hit Protection

Roll 1d6 to determine your PC's starting Hit Protection (HP), which reflects their ability to avoid damage in combat. HP does not indicate a character's health or fortitude; nor do they lose it for very long (see Healing). If an attack takes a PC's HP exactly to 0, the player must roll on the Scars table.

# Inventory

Characters have a total of 10 inventory slots: a backpack with six slots, one slot for each hand, and two slots for their upper body (such as the belt, chest, or head). The backpack can also double as an emergency sleeping bag but only if emptied of its contents.

Most items take up one slot. Slots are abstract and can be rearranged per the Referee's discretion (to allocate extra slots to the body, for example).

Bulky items take up two slots and are typically two-handed or awkward to carry. Anyone carrying a full inventory (e.g. filling all 10 slots) is reduced to 0 HP.

Light items take up a single slot, and may share a slot with one other item. Most items smaller than a dagger are light.

Mundane ammunition is not tracked separately; if a PC has a weapon that requires ammunition, it is assumed the PC has enough for normal use.

A PC cannot carry more items than their inventory allows. Carts (which must be pulled with both hands), horses, or mules can increase inventory. Hirelings can also be paid to carry equipment.

# Starting Gear

All PCs begin with:

  • Three days' rations (one slot each, light)
  • A torch (one slot)
  • 3d6 gold pieces

Roll once on each of the Starting Gear tables to determine your PC's armor, weapons, tools, and equipment. If indicated, roll on the Wands table with a d100 (or roll 2d10, using one die as the ones place, and the other as the tens place). Pick only one item for each result.

See the Equipment List for related armor, damage, and slot values.

# Gifts and Mutations

If the total of your PC's STR, DEX, and WIL is 30 or under, your PC is touched by the supernatural. Start with a Gift and a Mutation. See the tables for each.

Gifts are supernatural abilities not afforded to most humans. They can be used at no cost, unless otherwise specified.

Mutations are a catch-all term for any physical characteristics that fall outside the range of normal human phenotypes. Mutations are usually confined to select body parts and are mostly cosmetic. Roll or choose from the table. Alternatively, invent one. Use the PC's Gift as inspiration.