# Dungeoneering

# Light sources

Dungeons are dark environments. Most native inhabitants of dungeons can see well in the dark, or have other special senses. PCs, on the other hand, usually require light sources to navigate dungeons.

Portable light sources such as candles & torches are fairly dim. They shed bright light in a radius of just 5 feet, and dim light for a further 5 feet. Candles & torches last around 1 hour on average.

# Dungeon Turns

Every 10 minutes spent in a dungeon, the Referee rolls on the following table. If a result doesn't make sense, ignore it.

1 The PCs encounter a creature. Roll on the dungeon's encounter table.
2 The PCs find a clue left by a creature. Roll on the dungeon's encounter table for the creature that left the clue.
3 Short-lasting spells & other magical effects expire.
4 Light sources such as candles and torches expire.
5 Conditions in the dungeon change.
6 Nothing.