# Combat

# Rounds

The game typically plays without strict time accounting. In a fight or circumstance where timing is helpful, use rounds to keep track of when something occurs. A round is roughly ten seconds of in-game time and is comprised of turns.

# Actions

On their turn, a character may move up to 40ft and take up to one action. This may be casting a spell, attacking, making a second move, or some other reasonable action.

Each round, the PCs declare what they are doing before dice are rolled. If a character attempts something risky, the Referee calls for a save for appropriate players or NPCs.

# Turns

The Referee will telegraph the most likely actions taken by NPCs or monsters. At the start of combat, each PC must make a DEX save to act before their opponents.

Expand For Example

Bea has accidentally stumbled onto the stomping grounds of a massive Wood Troll. In order to make a move before the Troll, she makes a DEX save. She fails, and the Troll gets to attack first.

# Attacking & Damage

The attacker rolls their weapon die and subtracts the target's armor, then deals the remaining total to their opponent's HP. Unarmed attacks always do 1d4 damage.

Expand For Example

The Wood Troll roars, swinging its club at Bea, who has 5 HP. The club does 1d10 damage and the Referee rolls a 4. They subtract 1 to account for Bea's leather armor, leaving Bea with 2 HP remaining.

# Multiple Attackers

If multiple attackers target the same foe, roll all damage dice and keep the single highest result.

# Attack Modifiers

If fighting from a position of weakness (such as through cover or with bound hands), the attack is impaired; the attacker must roll 1d4 damage regardless of the attack's damage die.

If fighting from a position of advantage (such as against a helpless foe or through a daring maneuver), the attack is enhanced, allowing the attacker to roll 1d12 damage instead of their normal die.

# Dual Weapons

If attacking with two weapons at the same time, roll both damage dice and keep the single highest result. If the attack is impaired or enhanced, replace all the dice.

# Blast

Attacks with the blast quality affect all targets in the noted area, rolling separately for each affected character. Blast refers to anything from explosions to huge cleaving onslaughts to the impact of a meteorite. If unsure how many targets can be affected, roll the related damage die for a result.

# Critical Damage

Damage that reduces a target's HP below zero decreases a target's STR by the amount remaining. They must then make a STR save to avoid critical damage. Additionally, some enemies will have special abilities or effects that are triggered when their target fails a critical damage save.

Any PC that suffers critical damage cannot do anything but crawl weakly, grasping for life. If given aid and rest, they will stabilize. If left untreated, they die within the hour.

# Ability Score Loss

If a PC's STR is reduced to 0, they die. If their DEX is reduced to 0, they are paralyzed. If their WIL is reduced to 0, they are delirious. Complete DEX and WIL loss renders the character unable to act until they are restored through extended rest or by extraordinary means.

# Scars

When damage to a PC reduces their HP to exactly 0, they are sometimes changed irrevocably. See the Scars table for more.

# Unconsciousness & Death

When a character dies, the player is free to create a new character or take control of a hireling. They join the party as soon as possible in order to reduce downtime.

# Detachments

Large groups of similar combatants fighting together are treated as a single detachment. When a detachment takes critical damage, it is routed or significantly weakened. When it reaches 0 STR, it is destroyed.

Attacks against detachments by individuals are impaired (excluding blast damage). Attacks against individuals by detachments are enhanced and deal blast damage.

# Retreat

Running away from a dire situation always requires a successful DEX save, as well as a safe destination to run to.

# Scars Table

When an attack reduces a PC's HP to exactly 0, they are uniquely impacted. Look up the result on the table below based on the result on the die:

1 Lasting Scar: Roll 1d6 | 1: Neck, 2: Hands, 3: Eye, 4: Chest, 5: Legs, 6: Face. Roll 1d6. If the total is higher than your max HP, take the new result.
2 Rattling Blow: You’re disoriented and shaken. Describe how you refocus. Roll 1d6. If the total is higher than your max HP, take the new result.
3 Walloped: You’re sent flying and land flat on your face, winded. You are deprived until you rest for a few hours. Then, roll 1d6. If the total is higher than your max HP, take the new result.
4 Broken Limb: Roll 1d6 | 1-2: Leg, 3-4: Arm, 5: Rib, 6: Skull. Once mended, roll 2d6. If the total is higher than your max HP, take the new result.
5 Diseased: You’re afflicted with a gross, uncomfortable infection. When you get over it, roll 2d6. If the total is higher than your max HP, take the new result.
6 Reorienting Head Wound: Roll 1d6 | 1-2: STR, 3-4: DEX, 5-6: WIL. Roll 3d6. If the total is higher than your current ability score, take the new result.
7 Hamstrung: You can barely move until you get serious help and rest. After recovery, roll 3d6. If the total is higher than your max DEX, take the new result.
8 Deafened: You cannot hear anything until you find extraordinary aid. Roll 3d6. If the total is higher than your max WIL, take the new result.
9 Re-brained: Some hidden part of your psyche is knocked loose. Roll 2d6. If the total is higher than your max HP, take the new result.
10 Sundered: An appendage is torn off, crippled or useless. The Referee will tell you which. Roll 3d6. If the total is higher than your max STR, take the new result.
11 Mortal Wound: You are deprived and out of action. You die in one hour unless healed. Upon recovery, roll 3d6. If the total is higher than your max HP, take the new result.
12 Doomed: Death seemed ever so close, but somehow you survived. If your next save against critical damage is a fail, you die horribly. If you pass, roll 3d6. If the total is higher than your max HP, take the new result.